Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Congress to ponder conscription?

by US Rep. Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX)
(Congress' only sane congressman -Ed.)

"To many politicians, the American government is America. This is why, on a crude level, the draft appeals to patriotic fervor. Compulsory national service, whether in the form of military conscription or make-work programs like AmeriCorps, still sells on Capitol Hill. Conscription is wrongly associated with patriotism, when really it represents collectivism and involuntary servitude [AKA slavery - Ed.]. I believe wholeheartedly that an all-volunteer military is not only sufficient for national defense, but also preferable. It is time to abolish the Selective Service System and resign military conscription to the dustbin of American history." (11/28/06)

Entire article:

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