Saturday, November 11, 2006

Are libertarians anarchists?

In the very first response to my very first post in this blog [Majority of Americans Think Government is Too Big, Too Intrusive], the respondent did that thing which, for many years, both democrats and republicans have been doing in an attempt to discredit the freedom philosophy through the use of dis-information: falsely accusing libertarians of wanting anarchy.
Democrat and republican statists say that the libertarians want anarchy, but what the statists don't admit is that thanks to them, we already have anarchy! The demopublican and republicrat statists have controlled this country for over a century, and the result of their political monopoly is that our streets aren't safe, children are being shot in the schools, cops are robbing citizens through federal and state "civil asset forfeiture laws", identities are being stolen, people's homes are being stolen through "eminent domain" for the sole benefit of big corporations, we worry about foreign "terrorists" attacking us, our borders are being breached by criminals illegally entering the country, machete toting gangs like MS-13 threaten us, our homes are burglarized, bank robberies are on the increase, there are more carjackings, fully 50% of every dollar you make is stolen by the government through the legalized theft called taxation, and the list of atrocities go on and on and on.
Statists think that more government can solve the crime problem, but the reality has been the opposite; as government grows bigger and bigger, crime has grown right along with it. Every attempt by government to reduce crime fails, and this is most evident in the government's failed moron "war-on drugs". (BTW: Isn't it curious that "war-on" rhymes with "moron"? )
So when statists say libertarians want anarchy, I don't believe them, and neither should you. What libertarians really want is to reduce government (but not eliminate it,) and repeal the thousands of victimless-crime laws which over-stuff our prisons with people who shouldn't be there, and keep the hard-core criminals in there where they belong, instead of letting murders, rapists, and robbers go free every time some court says the sheriff has to ease up on prison congestion, which is they way it works now.
Laws like California's "3-strikes" rule are draconian, since they are applied without regard to any circumstances. When you think of poor people trying to make ends meet who unintentionally bounce a check a few times, then end up with a life sentence under the 3-strikes law, you understand why the Founding Fathers made "cruel and unusual" punishments unconstitutional ---it was meant for moron laws like this one.
With nonsense laws like that, draconian asset forfeiture laws, government abuse of eminent domain, and the countless other cruel draconian laws we now suffer under, it's no wonder we have anarchy!
What the libertarians really want is a return to freedom and sensible laws,
and an end to democrat and republican created anarchy.
See for more information on those libertarians and what they really think, and why.

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