Sunday, November 12, 2006

Xian mysteries

Here's some facts well known to most biblical scholars, but of which Xians are completely ignorant:
  1. The phrase ``Jesus of Nazareth'' is a mistranslation. The original Greek text actually says ``Jesus the Nazarene''. The Nazarenes were one of the three major religious sects in Jesus' time, the other two being the Pharisees and the Sadducees. You can find a Greek-English interlinear text in any Bible shop, and probably in many public libraries. Read Mark 14:67, John 19:19, and Acts 2:22 in the interlinear to see what it really says.
  2. Acts 24:5 confirms that Nazarenes were actually a sect, not people from "Nazareth" a town which didn't exist until some 400 years after the alleged crucifiction. In Acts 24:5 "Saul of Tarsus" (known to Xians as Paul, and whom is the actual founder of Christianity,) is accused of being a member of that sect, but he himself claims to be a member of the Pharisee sect (Acts 23:6) and a Roman citizen (Acts 22:27).
  3. `Jesus' is a poor translation of `Yeshua' from the New Testament that went from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. In the Old Testament `Yeshua' was translated directly into English as `Joshua'. Thus Yeshua, Joshua, and Jesus are the same name, and a very common name at that. Joshua, or Jesus, means ``Jehovah is Salvation''.
  4. The Jesus story has elements of several different ideas combined into one myth. It is my belief that there probably was an actual man named Jesus, but quite unlike what Christianity describes.
  5. First of all, he was a Nazarene - (not from Nazareth, since he was born in Bethlehem.) As a Nazarene he followed the Torah, and neither was he ever a `Christian, nor a God-incarnate, nor did he found a new religion.
  6. The `Nazarene' of the New Testament are also the same as the `Nazirite' of the Old Testament, A Nazarene being a member of the sect, and a Nazirite being a Nazarene under an obligation of a holy oath. (Read Numbers 6:1-21) It's similar to the O.T.'s `Philistines' who today are called Palestinians; and are actually the same people. Samson was declared a Nazirite from birth. (Read Judges 13:2-7) Thus, the Nazarenes are the oldest of the 3 major sects that existed in Jesus' time.
  7. The word Nazarene, as best I can determine, came from an Aramaic phrase that means ``Keepers of the Covenant''.
  8. The `Ministry' story of Jesus was taken from Solar worship and astrology and applied to the Jesus myth. (Read, no, study
  9. The wisdom sayings came from another source, refered to by biblical scholars as ``The Book of Q'' The `Q' comes from the German word `Quella', which means `source'. No evidence exists that a man named Jesus actually said those words of wisdom that are attributed to him in the Bible.
  10. The so called `miracles' attributed to Jesus were embellishments that were commonly added to stories about religious leaders of that time, and have no more basis in reality than the Greek myths.
  11. The Gospel stories do not date to Jesus' time, but allegedly date to the time between the two major revolts, around 66 to 74 and 132 to 155 A.D. according to most scholars. However, keep in mind that no extant copy of any Gospel predates the fourth century!
  12. In 325 A.D. Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, ordered the convening of the first Council of Nicaea. At the Council the attendees voted to deify Jesus. The results were 218 for and 2 against making Jesus into god incarnate, like the Emperor. Thus, Jesus became God-incarnate by the vote of men! After the Council, the Emperor ordered that all documents mentioning Jesus were to be sought out and seized from whereever they were, taken to Rome, and sequestered from the public. Six years after the Council Constantine ordered the Gospels rewritten to include the decisions made by the Council. All the originals were then burned, which explains why no existing copies of the Gospels predate the fourth century.
  13. Emperor Constantine's own `virgin birth' story was also incorporated into the Gospels at that time.
  14. My conclusions after years of biblical study are that a man we call Jesus perhaps actually did exist, that he was a Nazarene, that he followed and taught the Torah and the other scriptures of the Old Testament, that he was anointed twice, first as the King of Judea, then a second time as King of Israel, (in imitation of King David's two annointings,) that he attempted to organize a revolt, ordering his followers to arm themselves (Luke 22:36) and they did use their weapons (John 18:10), but the revolt failed to materialize.
  15. Nothing was wrote about Jesus in his lifetime - all stories being passed down by word of mouth, miracles and solar worship stories were blended into his true, albeit boring biography, spicing it up so as to make it more appealing, to make him seem more important, more successfull, and to preserve elements of solar worship by blending them into a biographic account, giving birth to the Jesus myth.

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